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About Us

The Radiation Cystitis Foundation focuses on raising awareness, promoting scientific advancement, and advocating on behalf of RC patients. We are a volunteer-run organization helping to advocate for urological disorders with limited awareness or treatment options. We also provide funding to public charities which support urology patients. The Radiation Cystitis Foundation operates as the Bladder Health Foundation and is organized as a private foundation based in Pittsburgh, PA.


Contact Us

Please use the following contact form to share your story or contact the Radiation Cystitis FoundationAs a private foundation, we also invite public charities that work in urology to connect with us via the contact form regarding requests for collaboration or funding.


Note: Unfortunately, we are unable to recommend healthcare providers or provide direct funding to patients at this time. Please refer any medical questions to your healthcare provider as we are unable to provide direct medical advice. Upon request via the contact form, we are happy to provide copies of our application for exemption and/or the three most recent annual information returns. 

Work With Us

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The Bladder Health Foundation is organized as a non-profit entity conducted entirely by unpaid volunteers. Our active volunteers have varied overtime so if you would like to learn more please reach out and a member of our team can introduce themselves. If you would like to consider supporting our mission directly please contact us to connect. Our interests are to help coordinate efforts and to support fellow organization’s progress in fighting the disease and its impact upon patients and their families.


About RC
RC Therapies
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Additional Help

Disclaimer: The material provided in this website is for general informational purposes only. Please do not consider this content medical advice or instruction.  Any information that you may consider on this website should be discussed with a healthcare professional. 

© 2022 by The Radiation Cystitis Foundation

Contact Address: 
Radiation Cystitis Foundation


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